Sunday, September 22, 2013

Homemade Soup, ArtPrize, & The Doctor

I have not introduction so lets just dive in.

Three day weekend = SUCCESS!

My "Friday Fun-Day" was more of a "Friday Sleep-Day". I didn't plan on sleeping the day away, and yet after turning my alarm off at 7 AM, the next time thing I remember is looking at my phone at 2:30 PM. So much for a productive day off work. 

Now don't start feeling bad about my "wasted" day. I made homemade tomato soup, unintentionally, that was quite delicious. I watched 3 episodes of Dexter, and I made significant progress on a baby blanket I started well before the intended recipient, who is not almost 5 months old, was born. All in all, a good day!

My soup:

Saturday brought a trip downtown to ArtPrize. We spent about 2 hours navigating crowds and walking around the various sculptures, paintings, and other such things. It was wonderful, though I did not see as much as I wanted to. There is literally something for anyone down there and it's absolutely insane how many people were out to enjoy the art. I'm hoping to go again this week, but later in the evening. I've heard there are quite a few things that are even more wonderful at night.

One of my favorite photos from Saturday:

The evening ended with a mini-marathon of Doctor Who, which is really how every day should end. In our re-watch, we're currently in the Donna Noble era. I forget how much I like Donna. She is absolutely fantastic. Silence in the Library is one of my favorites or hers though it's hard for me to pick a favorite from Tenant's last season, they are all so brilliant. The 50th is going to be epic. 

My three day weekend ended with a lazy Sunday filled with movies, laundry, and crochet. (Yea, that's right. I'm wild!) I actually completed the baby blanket which I couldn't be more excited about, and completed all of my laundry. Day full of win right here!

OH! Oh my! How could I have forgotten! iOS7! Yes, technically that was not this weekend, but I got to play around with it throughout much of my weekend so... yea... 

First thoughts. I like it. No complaints from me, and I'm not just saying that because I'm an Apple Fan-Girl. I am truly enjoying the updated look and feel as well as some of the new features.

Tell you what, I'll do a proper review this week... Sound good? (I hope so because I'm off to sleep.)

Much love

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