Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rainy Day Thoughts

Sometimes everything works out perfectly. You show up exactly on time to meet your friend. You are funny and good conversation and good times are had by all.

Other times you find yourself sitting in a McDonald's using their free wifi because you don't think to check what time you're supposed to show up at your friends house and you get there an hour early and there's no one there. So you have nothing to do by drive around trying to find a Starbucks (because you have a gold card and a free beverage) only to realize that contrary to popular belief Starbucks is NOT on every corner of every block in the world.

And now it's pouring rain so this is perfect.

But the rain doesn't really make a bad day worse, it just adds to the weird and random nature of the day.

So you find a McDonald's and you seem to remember from years and years ago that they once upon a time had free wifi... You think to yourself 'Can I get by with just ordering an iced tea and not feel bad about borrowing the wifi?' and then you realize you're pretty hungry because the mix up in time means you didn't eat before you left and now you have an hour so a snack sound pretty good...


You don't want to eat like a whole meal. Also this is McDonald's and you're a vegetarian. You could get a salad, but that doesn't really sound appetizing (and you have a salad you're bringing to your friends house in your car). So you end up with that iced tea you were really craving, french fries because it's McDonald's, and a flurry because why the hell not?

Now as luck would have it you find a prime (and I mean PRIME) people watching seat in which to perch yourself as you waste some time AND (THANK GOODNESS) the DO have free wifi here!

This is the best day.

And it's only 1:15 PM.

Yes... This is my life...

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