Sunday, August 4, 2013

A New Doctor

Today was a big day in the Whovian fandom.

Now I don't usually post about the fandoms I am a part of. I didn't particularly know why, it might have been because I hadn't quite found my voice in which I'm comfortable speaking about the things I love... Now I have posted videos here and there offering an opinion on the boy wizard, and I seem to remember posting a video about John Green and my absolute love for his books. But on the whole I'm not one to tout my feelings about something fandom related.

Today's announcement was something I was excited about and I didn't want it to go by without offering up my opinion. BUT! I look back at the first line of this post and feel the need to amend it. Today was a big day in the Whovian fandom... to me.

And there in lies the reason I tend to keep my opinions to myself. Let me explain.

I am generally late to the party. I was extremely late to the Harry Potter fandom, the only book not out at the time I found myself hopelessly devoted to Harry was Deathly Hallows (book 7 to those not in the know). I will probably continue to use HP as a way of illustrating my point... Anywho, being late to the party I felt that I wasn't allowed to have an opinion. The HP fandom is HUGE and it's PASSIONATE and it's more than a little intimidating to an outsider. So instead of diving in feet first I gently waded in. I stopped myself from branching out in fear of being judged for not being a "real fan". Now having gotten over that (for the most part) I have had the opportunity to attend LeakyCon twice, I started a YouTube channel in which I have embraced my geekiness, and I've supported various independent musicians and YouTubers professional endeavors. And with all that I'm still nervous about writing an opinion piece on Peter Capaldi and the new Doctor.

Because again... I'm late to the party.

I didn't start watching Doctor Who until last summer. I'm a "New Who" fan, meaning I haven't watched any of the original series and because of that it feels weird to have an opinion.

This announcement about The Doctor is the first announcement I've been around for and the first regeneration that I will be watching in real time, with the rest of the world. I'm loving the hype. I'm loving the reactions. I love everything about this.

Now... How to get more involved... Am I right?

Anywho, I am really excited about this casting choice. I've read a few articles and there are definitely mixed feelings, but I think it's going to be a whole new adventure (I am all about adventures this month) and I can't wait!

Since Eccleston (who was legit a fantastic choice for the reboot) The Doctor has gotten younger and and younger with each regen and going for an older actor is a great decision. I'm really eager to see the relationship with between him and Clara... Assuming Clara is staying... I didn't even THINK about that!!!




This gives me something else to think about...

Much Love

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