Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Damn You, Candy Crush!


My name is Ericka.

And I'm addicted to Candy Crush.


That is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I mean like... I feel like I've been carrying that one around for awhile.

I'm sure no one noticed that I spend every spare moment (when I've replenished my lives by waiting precisely 2.5 hours from the first death...) trying to beat level after unending level. Like seriously it never ends... And every time you get closer to the end they just add more sadistic levels to taunt you with.

Alright, alright. I see you judging me through your Words with Friends loving eyes, but I bet you're a closet Crusher, aren't you?

I wasn't always this way. Once upon a time a person whom I thought was my friend that shall remain nameless to protect his - or her - innocence *cough* mattpete *cough* talked about this weird game called Candy Crush that was "totes all the rage" (that's totally how Matt talks too... I mean I'm not exaggerating or making any of this up) and he talked about it non-stop, like incessantly, until one day he downloaded it on my phone. (Now clearly I had to put in my game center password... but it's really his fault... don't take that away from me.) At any rate I went home without opening the game and told my roommate about it.

"Do NOT play it. Seriously, don't do it."

I did not heed her words of wisdom as one who had already been sucked in.

Alas,here I sit before you, 178 levels in, hating chocolate, especially self replicating chocolate... which should never be how someone feels about chocolate, especially self replicating chocolate. IT'S FREAKING CHOCOLATE! SELF REPLICATING CHOCOLATE! I cross my fingers for a move that results in a continuous barrage of points. I scream and growl at my phone when I just need ONE MORE MOVE! I cry out in rage and swear like a sailor (although swearing like a sailor is something I do even when I'm not playing CC so that might not be a good example).

I am completely sucked in.

It's also the reason why, yet again, I am writing a blog post at 11 PM when I should be sleeping.

This is my life.

Much love

Pretty sure some lives have replenished at this point... I might be able to beat it this time!

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